6:08-My alarm goes off as I was planning on going for a run this a.m. But, I have a stiff shoulder and neck. Clearly, a run isn't going to happen. I doze a bit as Big Al gets up and ready for work.
6:45-Big Al walks through the bedroom ready for work. I get up with him, and we drink our coffee together at the table. He plays Candy Crush, and I look at the newspaper and catch up on Facebook.
7:15-Big Al leaves for work for the day, and I head to the shower. Still no children, but it was late last night when they went to bed, so they may sleep in a while.
7:50-I'm showered and ready for the day. Still no kids, so I throw in a load of laundry, so we have our VBS shirts for tonight and clean up the kitchen.
8:05-Rowan wakes up and heads through the kitchen to our room to watch cartoons for a bit.
Rowan snuck breakfast and water in our bed. I know, parent fail. He's watching cartoons. |
8:17-Isla wakes up. She eats her breakfast with me at the table. She complains about her back hurting, so I give her some Tylenol. My own neck is horribly stiff and sore. If I had someone to watch my kids today, I'd be headed to a Chiropractor ASAP. Instead, I call Alex and whine about it.
8:45-TV off, and I switch laundry over. We all get dressed, and we head outside for a bit. Rowan brings up the trash can, as they have already come this morning. I have flowers to water, and the kids play around in the garage and on the porch. I look through my car and spiffy it up as well as the garage.
10:00-We have a couple of errands to run for VBS, so we load up. We head to Target and the dollar store to get the necessary items.
11:35-We are back home, and we play outside some more while I unload the car. The kids find the sidewalk chalk and take to that in the driveway.
11:50-Everyone's hungry, so we head inside. I make lunch while the kids
destroy play in the living room!
Pretend sleeping |
She's sleeping too;-) |
11:55-Lunch is served.
Tomato basil soup, cheese pizza, watermelon and cucumbers with basalmic, and strawberries for the kids |
Tomato basil soup, salad, cheese quesadilla, and strawberries for me! |
12:30-Lunch is cleaned up and dishes are done again. I pull out my clothes from the dryer to fold. I fold them in the laundry room now as I always have "help" if I do it in the open. I really hate that kind of help;-)
This is my help at work! |
12:40-The kids and I go read books in Isla's room before her nap. We read
Curious George, Princesses, and
Pinkilicious before Isla lays down.
12:45-Rowan and I come to the living room for his reading. We are working our way through
The Magic Treehouse, and we finished #7 today!
1:10-Rowan goes to watch a movie while I catch up on the checkbook, pay 2 bills, and then work on a video I am making for church. I'm in charge of making an appreciation video for our volunteers to be shown at training the end of July. I have a really good start, but I spent about 30 minutes doing some voice recording and editing while it was quiet in my house. I'm hoping Alex can get me the last of the video tonight during VBS, so I can call it done! That will make my heart happy.
1:47-Isla is crying. That wasn't near a long enough nap for her after her late night last night. I'm not going into her room in hopes that she will soothe herself back to sleep.
2:00- Rowan's cartoons finish, so we turn off the tv, and he heads to his room for some quiet time. He pounds around in his room with a sword and constructing a "car wash" out of legos. It's cool. I grab my Nook and read for a while. He wants me to play downstairs with him, so I do. He cooks me food, I eat it, repeat. It was pretty precious.
3:37- Isla's awake! Now, that's a nap. She's happy. Yeah!
3:45-Snack and outside we go! The kids get into the playdoh and ride around the sac on bikes until Dad gets home!
5:13-Alex is home, and I fly out the door to run to VBS. I have to switch over the crafts for the 4 little classrooms and make sure all is set for the night before our campers arrive between 6:00 and 6:15.
8:45-VBS is over and we tidy up our room. We head out the door. Alex and I drove separately, so we part ways and head for home.
8:50-I run into HyVee to grab something we need for VBS tomorrow night. We had to adjust a craft!
9:05-We arrive home and scurry everyone inside. We have to do baths, teeth brushing, and books. We emerge from respective rooms at 9:40. Late night for the kiddos, but we hope they sleep well tonight.
9:40-We both sit down for the night and talk about business for the next day as well as schedules while cutting the holes in the cups I just bought for VBS;-)
10:20-I'm finishing the last 3 hours of my day on the blog, and I am headed to bed! The kids are silent, Big Al is sitting in the chair still, and I'm ready for my own bed and some quiet.
That's a wrap for us!