Alex, Jolie, Rowan, Isla, and Maryn

Alex, Jolie, Rowan, Isla, and Maryn

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Day 18: Tell a story about your childhood...

I'm not much for rehashing the olden days, so we will do a little meet and greet...

My parents are Greg and Gayla Flavin.  They have been married a long, long time, 39 years if my math is correct.  My mom is a LPN at a rural hospital where I grew up, and my dad carries mail for the rural community.  They milked cows for many moons, so we enjoy these rather typical jobs they both now have.  They at least allow for vacation time;-)

My mom and I on the farm in 2008.

I have 2 older brothers.  My oldest brother, Tyler, lives with his wife, Heather, and their four children in western Kansas.  He is now a principal and his wife is a teacher.  We were married the same summer, but they have outnumbered us with children by far;-) 

Tyler and Heather sans Kemper.  He wasn't around just yet;-)

My middle brother, Seth, works in Salina at the tech school working with electrical students.  He has an associate's degree as an electrician and a bachelor's degree in agriculture business. He traveled the country for many years working on rewiring large factories for a company.  He was doing some management, but ultimately wanted to stay in one place for a while.  He is an eligible bachelor and a kind spirit if anyone is looking;-)  He's a fixer, a handyman, and a gentle soul.

Seth and Tayte

I believe they were messing with my phone.  Gotta love big brothers.

This is one of my favorite pictures of Seth.

So, there you have it.  Three kids who grew up on the dairy farm all turned into teachers.  What are the odds?  Our hardwork as children led us all three to college degrees;-)

This is the whole clan-Tyler, Heather, Kemper, Dad, Kynlee, Mom, Tayte, Seth, CJ, Me, Rowan, Isla, and Alex

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