Updated Summer Bucket List
1. Swimming Lessons for Rowan-
2. Science Camp for Rowan
at Discovery Center- Done!
3. Vacation Bible Camp
at SWUMC for Rowan and I'll volunteer as well.- Done! and exhausting! I survived our week with nine 3 and 4 year olds, and we had a blast. We were all exhausted by Thursday! Even Row was crying by Wednesday evening that VBC made him "EXHAUSTED!" Can't you just hear him pounding his feet in exclamation that "it is just TOO much fun, and I get exhausted!" I got him there all 5 nights, though, and what a blessing it was. It always moves me to tears to watch all of the children sing and do the actions at the end. I honestly don't know the count for the year, but I would guess we were around 115. Watching all of these pieces of God's creation stand in front and shout, "I want to choose. I want to follow, " just makes the tears roll out of me. I was moved, and I hope their hearts were as well~
4. Camping as a family-this
is out of my comfort zone- Done! I did it, and I blogged about it! I'm glad we did it, and Rowan has some awesome memories to go along with this weekend!
5. Read 6 books for
pleasure.- Done! My total is still 8. I haven't been reading. Instead, I have been deep cleaning the house in preparation for my return to the working population;-) I've also been doing some selling on EBAY in an effort to boost my car fund!
6. Run 3 times a
week.- Fail! Alex was in San Diego this week, so this just was not possible. I'm going running tomorrow, so we will start over again! Life happens, and I'm going to give myself some grace on this one for now.
7. Go on 2 dates with Big
Al.- Done!
One week is left of summer, and I have marked quite a lot off of the list! This isn't everything we accomplished this summer, but it was a list to help me stay focused and accountable for my time! I think it helped:-)
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