Alex, Jolie, Rowan, Isla, and Maryn

Alex, Jolie, Rowan, Isla, and Maryn

Friday, July 27, 2012

Daddy is Coming Home

Well, it has been a whirlwind week with Alex in San Diego.  As I type, he is in the air somewhere between Cali and Kansas City, and we are excited and tired:-)

Rowan spent part of the week at my parents' farm, so I only had Sassy on Monday and Tuesday.  He rejoined the family unit on Wednesday, and we have finished out the back half of the week.  We have cleaned, zooed it up, played on the playground, had a picnic, shopped, and cleaned some more.  In one sense it has gone by quickly, but in the other, I am just plain tired!

There is just something about having a partner at home to help make some of the decisions that I have missed.  Naturally, when that partner is gone, all of the decision making is left up to me;-)  That stress me out!  Well that, and the fact that I have a hard time sleeping when the other side of the bed is empty.  I swear someone is going to try to break in and get me when he isn't here.  Why is that?  That, and I see lots of shadows in my bedroom when he is gone!

Sassy has had a cold much of the week (thank you camping!).  Then, she started limping Wednesday night.  She had this weird gait going on.  When I tried to poke around to figure out what was hurt, she simply giggled because it tickled!  Do I take her to the doctor or not for the limp?  If Alex were here, he could look at her and be like, "Yeah!  You need to go!."  But he isn't, and I only go to the doctor if I can self diagnose something profound before I go.  It is always my fear that I will take someone to the doctor, and they will tell me nothing is wrong;-)  I don't want to be that mom, so I've just been watching her.  Her limp seems better, but it still isn't 100% okay.

So, we're excited to see Alex, and I'm excited to sleep soundly tonight!  He loves this trip, and I am thankful it is at least during the summer and not during the school year!  I'm pretty sure I'd have to recruit some massive help to do this solo for an entire week if I were working;-)

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