Alex, Jolie, Rowan, Isla, and Maryn

Alex, Jolie, Rowan, Isla, and Maryn

Wednesday, July 11, 2012


This mothering gig is just plain exhausting. Like haggard, no makeup, stained t-shirt, slumped shoulders kind of exhausting.

Yesterday, we had a play date in the a.m., and I noticed a tire very low on my way home.  I stopped and put some air in it, and we headed home for lunch.  By the time I got home, I knew the tire would need some attention.  Big Al came home about 5:00, took off my tire, and ran it to the tire shop.  The tire man nicely smiled (I'm totally envisioning this since I didn't actually go) and said, "Buddy, you need a new tire." 

Thus, today Big Al spent his time trying to find me some fairly inexpensive tires (4 of them, because you can't just replace one-sheesh), and I spent my day trapped at home.  We played outside this a.m., rode bikes, went for a walk, made lunch, did some laundry, read books, played Candy Land, played Hungry Hungry Hippos, played outside some more, played downstairs, made some supper, drew on the sidewalk with some chalk, played our ABCs on the computer, played a little WII, took baths, read more books, and said prayers.  Alex was home for a grand total of about 20 minutes before he ran back to work some more, and I am just plain whipped.  I'm not sure if it is the being trapped at home part or the part where I have done this gig all by myself for 2 days now as Big Al has been busy at church and work. 

My blessings are that it is 7:19 p.m. and both children are silently sleeping in their rooms.  I have an episode of Bunheads to watch and about 25 pages in the saddest book I have ever read to finish up.  Alex is back at work, and I'm ready to call it a day and start again tomorrow:-)  Perhaps a little bit more positive and revived!

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