Alex, Jolie, Rowan, Isla, and Maryn

Alex, Jolie, Rowan, Isla, and Maryn

Friday, July 20, 2012

Week in Pictures!

It's Still Summer......

We had a great week this week!  We went to the North pool, zoo, mall playground, and it was VBC week at church!  Rowan was a busy guy this week, and VBC made for some late nights at our house for him!  We had lots of fun, though!  Here are the highlights:-)
We built a "fort."  The kids had a blast!

Rowan ready for "Operation Overboard!"  Look at that sweet grin.

In the sea!

Our goal was to fill the boat with hygiene kit items!  We did pretty well!
Rowan helped me paint a project for the bathroom!

Cute little penguins!

The zoo with our friends!  Four little boys!

Rowan took a nap this week!  I think this was the third time all summer~

Look!  A submarine at church!
What a cute little diver!

With the coral in the sea!
Rowan was done by day 3 of VBC.  So tired!

Upside down at the mall!

Sassy was flying the airplane!

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