Alex, Jolie, Rowan, Isla, and Maryn

Alex, Jolie, Rowan, Isla, and Maryn

Friday, June 29, 2012

Summer Week 5 in Pictures!

This week was a busy week.  We made it to the North Pool, Mulvane Art Center, Going Bonkers, the Discovery Center, and then lunch with Dad today.  There was also the smattering of laundry, cooking, cleaning, but I'll only show pictures of the fun stuff;-)

Isla prefers to sit on the side of pool and eat snacks!

Rowan-aka "The fish!"

He loves to throw rings in and then go get them!

Isla loves to dump water into the side of the pool!

Playdate with our friend Sheila, Adam, and Lillian at Going Bonkers! (I forgot socks and had to buy them at $1.50 a pair.  Oops!  Don't forget socks if you go!)

Having fun climbing around!

Books with Dad!  Notice we are reading, River Monsters!

The Discovery Center!

Rowan climbing around on the rope course!

Cuteness!  They were holding hands, but I was about a second too late:-(

Isla did lots of scooping!

Astronaut Rowan!

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