Alex, Jolie, Rowan, Isla, and Maryn

Alex, Jolie, Rowan, Isla, and Maryn

Saturday, September 29, 2012

September Financial Update~

If you'll recall, August was kind of a downer month on this whole financial situation.  I was getting impatient on the purchase of a new vehicle.  This is still a bit of a problem, but I did much better this month than last month.  Baby steps, I guess.  I held myself accountable to all outgoing money, and as a result, we were able to add more to the car fund.  Progress is, well, progress.  No matter how little.

1. Get PMI taken off of our Home Loan -Done in February!

2. Pay off Alex's small student loan ($641.00 to be exact)-Done in June!

3. Save enough money to replace Jolie's car by November 1, 2013 in cash! I was able to add to this fund in September, and we are up to 47% of our target at the moment.  If I add in the value of our car, which we will either sell or trade in, I am up to 67% of our target.  Not bad!  Accountability sure helps the results;-)  Hopefully next month I'll have good news too~

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