Alex, Jolie, Rowan, Isla, and Maryn

Alex, Jolie, Rowan, Isla, and Maryn

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Week in Pictures!

The kids are sleeping at 7:40 on a Saturday night, and we are listening to the beautiful sound of rain.  It just doesn't get much better than this:-)  We've been busy, so my picture taking hasn't really been a priority this week, but I caught a couple of moments of fun!

Isla standing on the dock fishing!

Rowan loves to fish with Grandpa (and Grandma)!

This girl loves her daddy!  Alex was headed off to the truck, and she was just 2 steps behind.  Melt my little heart!

We caught a fish!  Proud little guy!

This was the scene one night after supper.  It cracks me up!  Isla just pushes buttons, but she sure thinks she needs a phone:-)

We were all in the kitchen getting supper ready, and Rowan did this!  Dixie is loved~

We bought Rowan some "light up" shoes today in Kansas City.  He wanted to sleep with them.  When I went to check on him, this is what I found.  Boy loves those light up shoes;-)

I went painting last night with my Momma and 2 great friends.  We laughed, painted, they fixed my painting, and we had an amazing time!  It is so calming to paint, even though I am really not talented at it:-) You should go to to see what you can paint!  Photo courtesy of Margie Mudge~

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