Alex, Jolie, Rowan, Isla, and Maryn

Alex, Jolie, Rowan, Isla, and Maryn

Saturday, November 8, 2014

I'm Back;-)

Wow!  The last post was sometime in July.  Has it really been 4 months since I have blogged?  Life has gotten in the way of my blog for sure.

Sometime in mid July we found out we would be welcoming a third baby to our family in March.  What an amazing blessing it was considering the fact that we had really given up hope of having any more children last March after several months of failed fertility help.  Little did we know more children were in God's plan for us, but it was on his schedule instead of my own.

School started, and we were in the whirl of life with one in public school, one in daycare, and me teaching and coaching.  And then I got sick and tired and more sick and more tired.  At some point, I really did think I just might die from nausea and exhaustion.    My routine was teach, coach, try not to puke, come home and go to bed for 12 hours. The alternative was I just might vomit all night long.  I look back and wonder how we did it.  On a good night, the kids would crawl into my bed at bedtime, and I would wake up enough to read a book or two to them before Daddy tucked them in.  On a bad night, there was no reading, and I just slept through everything until the next morning when we started again.  It was awful, and I felt like a failure at pretty much everything I was supposed to be doing.  I just couldn't do it, though.

I took the famous nausea pills, but they did little for my nausea.  Then a midwife gave me another concoction of B6, ginger pills, and Unisom.  Still, I found no relief in my constant wave of nausea.  I ate crackers, pretzels, ginger ale, and Sprite like it was going out of style.  They simply told me I was over 30, and it would get better somewhere after 14 weeks.

Eventually, somewhere around 16 weeks pregnant, the nausea subsided, and I sort of rejoined the land of the living.  It is amazing we made it, and my husband is still here.  My house was a disaster, the kids ate more frozen pizza and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches than they probably have in their entire lifetime, and I slept.  What a miserable 3 months.

So four weeks later, I almost feel as though I have my life put back into order.  Almost.  My energy has come back some, and I have resumed my normal Mom duties!

Yesterday marked 20 weeks pregnant.  I should probably post a picture to document my growth, but I'm sitting here in sweat pants, so that isn't happening today;-)  Monday we go in for our 20 week ultrasound, and I've been praying that we have a healthy baby!  Baby Darby is due to arrive around March 27!    

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