Alex, Jolie, Rowan, Isla, and Maryn

Alex, Jolie, Rowan, Isla, and Maryn

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Goals Update~

1. Pay off Jolie's undergraduate loan by October 1.
If I said we had 100% of the loan left to 
pay when we made the goal, we are 
now down to  35% 0%of the loan left.  
I paid this off sometime in September.  It was 
amazing to complete all of my school payments.
Every ounce of my college education is paid
for in full!  

2. Establish a will
I abandon for 2014.  Isn't going to happen.

3. Read the Bible in 1 year
FAIL!  I will complete this in 2015.  
I'm going to start again where I left off
in hopes that I can finish it.  I'll have
read the Bible in 2 years.

4. Read 30 books by December 31, 2014

I have read   27 32 books so far in 2014. 
I finished this before school started.  That is 
the only way I have completed it.  I am almost
done with Gone Girl, but that is the first book
I have completed since school has started.

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