Alex, Jolie, Rowan, Isla, and Maryn

Alex, Jolie, Rowan, Isla, and Maryn

Friday, May 3, 2013

Soccer Season!

Super Silly Face!
It is a cold, cold Friday night here in Kansas.  In fact, we had snow yesterday:-o  Alex is gone camping with some guy friends, my children are asleep, and for the first time in I don't know how long, I do NOT have an insurmountable amount of school work to do this weekend. Time to blog!

This semester has been trying with my added class at the local university.  I finished "teaching" last Monday night, so now all I have left is a bit of grading.  While I enjoyed teaching about my passion-literacy-it was exhausting to carry that work load along with my normal work load at my day job.  My family suffered, and I know that I must make choices should this opportunity come to me again.

Rowan has started his first organized sport-soccer.  I love watching him play, and I think it is fairly safe to say that Rowan won't be going to college on a soccer scholarship.  He
Silly face!
is a little boy with a whole lot of personality even on the soccer field, and he just makes us laugh.  I wish I could take credit for the fantastic photographs I'm adding to this post, but I cannot.  It is the wife of the coach who takes them, and they are fabulous!  Rowan is going to be a theater person, I can just tell.  Everything is so dramatic, and he was made to entertain the crowd!  You just never know what he will do next;-)
Sweet boy!
Injury on the field!  STOP!
Funning it!
The team!

Chase the Ball!

Saved by the coach!

Off and running!

Serenading the field.

Hanging on the coach.

Mr. Robot is way more interesting than soccer.

Posing for Cari!

Self inflicted hand stand

A moment of prayer.

Yes, this is during the game!
Go Rowan, go!
Ready for it!

This is Rowan's natural soccer position.

Cool man!

Isla is the cheerleader!

1 comment:

  1. Cari took some great pics. It was fun going to the games and helping to corral Isla.
