Alex, Jolie, Rowan, Isla, and Maryn

Alex, Jolie, Rowan, Isla, and Maryn

Friday, June 27, 2014

June Goal Update~

June is almost done!  It just can't be.  That means that I have been out of school for about a month. Eeek!!!  We made some progress this month, so here is the update.

1. Pay off Jolie's undergraduate loan by October 1.
If I said we had 100% of the loan left to 
pay when we made the goal, we are 
now down to  58% 42% of the loan left.  
We made more progress here than I 
anticipated.  It is exciting to see it going 

2. Establish a will

Sad heart.  We still haven't done anything 
on this one.  I may have to make a phone
 call myself in order for progress to be made.  

3. Read the Bible in 1 year

I'm almost caught back up with this. 
 I'm within days of where I should be.

4. Read 30 books by December 31, 2014

I have read  18 23 books so far in 2014. 
The most interesting read this month was
 titled, Grace and Grit by Lilly Ledbetter. 
It was from the United Methodist Women's 
reading list.  It was a memoir of a 
manager at Goodyear who was female.  
She worked for the company for 20 years 
in deplorable working environments.  
She eventually determined she was making
 THOUSANDS less than her male 
counterparts in the 1990s through 
an anonymous tip left in her mailbox,
 and she sued the company for discrimination.  
The book followed her career, search 
for justice, and the ultimate outcome of 
the trial.  It was shocking that this happened 
so recently, and it was an excellent read!

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