Alex, Jolie, Rowan, Isla, and Maryn

Alex, Jolie, Rowan, Isla, and Maryn

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Goals Update-April~

Gosh, it seems like a lifetime has passed since I've blogged.  Life has been busy here, but we don't have any complaints.  My hope is to update the blog with all of the great Darby happenings in the next three weeks-that's when I return to work from maternity leave!

1. Pay off Alex's undergraduate loan by October 1, 2015
We had 100% of the loan to go on January 1.  As of right now, we are down to 93% 76% of the loan left.  I've started hitting this with gazelle intensity as Dave Ramsey would say.  We've still got a long ways to go, though, to get it done by October 1!

2. Establish a will
Nothing else to report here.  

3. Read the Bible in 2 years
I've started back up where I left off last year.  I'm working on reading ahead, so when I return to work I can give myself some grace.  I feel pretty good on where I am with this goal right now.

4. Go on 1 family vacation
Our travel planner found us a great option in Breckenridge, Colorado.  We booked and paid for the trip earlier this week, so it looks like we will be Colorado bound in June!  Rowan is excited for the mountains, and I'm excited for the change of scenery.  We ended up going with 7 days and 6 nights.  We are either going to be really ready to be home or we will be really rested;-)  I highly recommend the travel planner option.  She was great, did all of the research, did the paperwork to reserve our condo, and will fix any issues we have while there.  I think Big Al might be onto something with vacation planning.

5. Have a baby
We had a baby!!!  She came 2.5 weeks early, so we were a little unprepared, but she is great!  She is worthy of a post all of her own;-)

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