Alex, Jolie, Rowan, Isla, and Maryn

Alex, Jolie, Rowan, Isla, and Maryn

Sunday, November 24, 2013

The Bible in 365 Days~

Our church, SWUMC, has placed a new challenge.  The task is to read the Bible in 365 days-seems lofty, huh?

I grew up a devout Catholic who attended Church every Sunday and prayed the rosary on many occasions, but a Bible reader, I was not.  It was simply never a major component of our religion or our daily life through my beginnings.

Now, at the age of 31 and a Methodist, I am still not a regular Bible reader.  I will pick it up off and on and skim through the parts I know about, but I know there is a great deal of this story that I have no clue about!  I blame time for part of the problem for why I don't read the Bible, but I also blame the story itself.  You see, I really prefer to surround myself with stories of inspiration and happy endings.  I have a feeling over the next 365 days, I am going to read more than one story that does not leave me feeling good about it.   But I may be wrong.  I hope I am surprised;-)

Pastor Maria has created a guide, and it seems manageable, so I'm excited to see what I have been missing out on. Alex signed up too, so I'm hoping the accountability between the two of us will really help us both, and I will be able to say, "I've read the Bible!"


  1. Oh, Jolie, I feel you on that Bible thing! Someone once explained the Bible to me as a continuous story - one in which God is the main character (not us) and his love for us is the theme. The fall is the exposition, the conflict being perfect God, sinful man, and the rising action is all the things that lead up to Jesus. The death and Resurrection are the climax, and the falling action is the formation of the church, leaving the resolution to be the 2nd coming of Christ. Don't know if that helps, but it did make things feel more cohesive for me. Can you post the reading plan?

  2. Great comparison, Randi. I'll post the schedule this weekend. We start on Sunday;-)
